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Medicines in School

Most children with medication needs are able to attend school regularly and with some support from the school, can take part in the majority of school activities.

A positive response by the school to a student's medication needs will not only benefit the student directly, but can also positively influence the awareness of others.

The administration of medication to children remains the responsibility of the parent or those with parental responsibility. Medication should only be taken to school when absolutely essential and with the agreement of the school. Some students are subject to Healthcare Plans through the school nursing team and the school are involved in this process.

Our guidelines for the administration of medicine are:

  • Where possible, it is preferable for medicines to be prescribed in frequencies that allow the student to take them outside of school hours.
  • If this is not possible, prior to staff members administering any medication, the parents/carers of the child must complete and sign a parental agreement for a school to administer medicine template/form.
  • No child will be given any prescription or non-prescription medicines without written parental consent except in exceptional circumstances.
  • Where a student is prescribed medication without their parents'/carers' knowledge, every effort will be made to encourage the student to involve their parents while respecting their right to confidentiality.
  • Medicines MUST be in date, labelled, and provided in the original container (except in the case of insulin which may come in a pen or pump) with dosage instructions. Medicines which do not meet these criteria will not be administered.
  • A maximum of eight weeks supply of the medication may be provided to the school at one time.
  • Controlled drugs may only be taken on school premises by the individual to whom they have been prescribed.
  • Medications will be stored securely in the Key Stage Hub.
  • Any medications left over at the end of the course will be returned to the child's parents.
  • Written records will be kept of any medication administered to children.
  • Students will never be prevented from accessing their medication.
  • Ilkley Grammar School cannot be held responsible for side effects that occur when medication is taken correctly.

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