- Welcome to Post-16
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- Results & Destinations
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- Curriculum Overviews
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- Independent Study & Earned Autonomy
- Personal Development & Enrichment
- Pastoral Support & Guidance
- Mobile Devices & Communication
- Dress Code, Expectations, Rewards & Sanctions
- Attendance, Punctuality & Travel
- Assessment, Reporting & Academic Support
- Post-18 Pathways & Work Experience
- Facilities & Study Spaces
- Trips & Visits
The ‘Quiet Study’ area (F8) is for quiet, independent study.
The Supervised Study Room/Study centre (F5+F6) is managed by the Student Achievement Managers (SAM) and is a silent study area with some IT facilities. It is staffed during lesson time so that students with timetabled study periods can be registered on SIMS. Only bottled water and no food or other drinks are allowed in here.
F-Hall is a study area during lesson time and has a ‘study café' approach; but has a more informal atmosphere at break and lunchtime and can be used for socialising, eating and drinking.
The lifts must not be used by students unless you are issued with a ‘lift pass’ for medical reasons. Misuse of the lift will result in sanctions. Lift passes are issued at the discretion of the Post-16 Student Manager.
Post-16 Cafe
The Post-16 Cafe is located in F Hall and is for the sole use of Post-16 students and IGS staff. It is open for longer than break and lunch for breakfast, snacks, lunches and hot drinks. There is a water fountain in F Hall and again the use of refillable bottles is encouraged to reduce single use plastics.
Courtyard Cafe, The Armitage Hall study space and other study areas
The courtyard café and the Armitage Hall space can both be used by Post-16 students for quiet, collaborative study during lesson time (except period 4) and some students may be allocated to the Armitage for Supervised Study.
Other spaces available for study during lesson time are shared with students at the start of term and via the weekly bulletin as and when updates are required.
The Library
The library is a pleasant place, reserved for reading and quiet work. It is open daily from 8.00 am – 4.00 pm (8.30 am – 4.00 pm on Tuesdays).
Here are a few guidelines which will enable us to maintain a positive working atmosphere.
- Find out how to use the library search program – Oliver. Ask the librarian if you need help or suggestions.
- Make full use of the library for research, work, browsing for books and quiet reading. Use the large range of curriculum-based online resources provided.
- Students can borrow up to four books at a time, 2 fiction and 2 non-fiction, plus one journal and one DVD (media studies students can borrow as many DVDs as required). Just make sure you return them (or renew them) by the due date and in good condition. Lost or damaged items have to be paid for.
- The library now has 49 computers available (17 desktops, 32 laptops). Students are welcome to use them in a mature and responsible manner.
- No eating is allowed in the library! Plain water in clear plastic bottles is allowed, but not near the computers.
- As it is an area used by students in KS3 and 4 if you need to make a phonecall, do so within the Post-16 area only.
- The Philip Allan Review journals (in 12 subjects) are provided especially for Post-16 use. They are curriculum based with free online resources. In addition, student subscriptions may be ordered via the librarian, at substantially reduced rates.
Please follow these guidelines and everyone should be able to benefit from the thousands of items and online material available in and from the library.
- Welcome to Post-16
- Admissions Information
- Financial Support
- Results & Destinations
- Daily Timetable
- Curriculum Overviews
- Subject Information
- Independent Study & Earned Autonomy
- Personal Development & Enrichment
- Pastoral Support & Guidance
- Mobile Devices & Communication
- Dress Code, Expectations, Rewards & Sanctions
- Attendance, Punctuality & Travel
- Assessment, Reporting & Academic Support
- Post-18 Pathways & Work Experience
- Facilities & Study Spaces
- Trips & Visits