- Welcome to Post-16
- Admissions Information
- Financial Support
- Results & Destinations
- Daily Timetable
- Curriculum Overviews
- Subject Information
- Independent Study & Earned Autonomy
- Personal Development & Enrichment
- Pastoral Support & Guidance
- Mobile Devices & Communication
- Dress Code, Expectations, Rewards & Sanctions
- Attendance, Punctuality & Travel
- Assessment, Reporting & Academic Support
- Post-18 Pathways & Work Experience
- Facilities & Study Spaces
- Trips & Visits
Post-16 should be a memorable experience both academically and socially. However, some students do face pressures and challenges which may affect wellbeing and progress. Students are encouraged to not be afraid to ask for help and advice when necessary. School can usually provide effective support if an issue is brought to the attention of a member of this support network early enough.
The Pastoral team
The first point of contact for a student should typically be their form tutor and if they can’t help, they can always signpost you to the right person. In cases of a personal nature, it may be appropriate to go direct to the Post-16 Hub where staff will be on hand to provide advice and support. If it is urgent, they will try to offer support there and then but more typically they will book you in to come and see them a free period.
- Mrs Walsh is the Head of Pastoral Post-16
- Mrs Whitehead is the Assistant Head of Pastoral Post-16
These experienced members of staff are available to offer support and advice to students experiencing problems and/or hardships.
The purpose of the pastoral team is to give students a point of contact to whom they can communicate their difficulties. Appropriate guidance is then given to students and, depending on the nature of the concern, parents / carers / staff / outside agencies can be contacted as appropriate.
Support from the pastoral team can take many forms; from providing coping mechanisms for anxiety or self-confidence issues to offering strategies to support with organisational difficulties. They may also direct a student to the Student Achievement Manager. Some students may require a long-term system of support; others may just need temporary respite. Whatever the issue, the pastoral team will ensure that all assistance that can be given within school is given.
Tutoring and Academic Mentoring
All students in Post-16 are assigned a form tutor and all students undertake a programme which supports the development of life skills and wider enrichment. We take great pride in the tutor-student relationships we foster through academic mentoring and pastoral support.
Summary of student support and guidance available |
Academic |
Personal |
Careers & Next Steps advice |
1. Subject Teachers 2. Head of Department 4. Inclusive Learning Team 3 Learning Leader (Y12) 4 Form Tutor 5 Student Achievement Managers (SAM) 6.Mentoring programme (tutor) |
1. Form Tutor 2. The Pastoral Team in the Post-16 HUB 3. School Counsellor 4. Other External agencies as required
1. Form Tutor 2. UCAS (Mr Sykes) 3. Careers team: WEx, Employment & Training 4. Visiting speakers 5. Alumni and other supporters of the school
Special Educational Needs and Student Support
Some Post-16 students will benefit from specific input from the Inclusive Learning Department. This may include Exam Access Arrangements, literacy support or, in the case of some students, specific learning strategies. The Inclusive Learning department can be found on G Corridor in Office G2.
A referral can be made through the Pastoral team, tutor, a subject teacher or by emailing inclusivelearning@igs.mlt.co.uk. Every student with an identified learning need will have a ‘One Plan’ to record how their learning can be supported. Students joining IGS in Year 12 with any specific learning or SEMH needs should ensure any important information (e.g. Exam Access arrangements) is passed on and request that any relevant information from their previous school is transferred.
Financial Support
The 16-19 Bursary is available to all Post-16 students meeting the criteria. Application forms and details of the entry criteria are available in early September from the Post-16 office and the school website. Applications can be made at any point in the year but are typically made before the end of September.
- Welcome to Post-16
- Admissions Information
- Financial Support
- Results & Destinations
- Daily Timetable
- Curriculum Overviews
- Subject Information
- Independent Study & Earned Autonomy
- Personal Development & Enrichment
- Pastoral Support & Guidance
- Mobile Devices & Communication
- Dress Code, Expectations, Rewards & Sanctions
- Attendance, Punctuality & Travel
- Assessment, Reporting & Academic Support
- Post-18 Pathways & Work Experience
- Facilities & Study Spaces
- Trips & Visits