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IGS Local Governing Body (LGB)

Ilkley Grammar School is part of Moorlands Learning Trust (MLT) multi-academy trust (MAT) and currently has 9 serving governors on the board. 

The detail of our business is dealt with via committees. The Local Governing Body (LGB), and the committees usually meet twice per term. Agendas, minutes and associated papers from the LGB meetings can be viewed at the school by request.

The Local Governing Body works under the agreed MLT scheme of delegation, in partnership with the Headteacher who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. 

Trustees of the MAT, governors, associate members, the Headteacher and the clerk have the right to attend governing body meetings. In addition, the LGB can allow any other person to attend its meetings. Associate members may be excluded from any part of a meeting when the item of business concerns an individual student or member of staff.

One of the key roles and responsibilities of the LGB is to monitor the progress and performance of the school.  Governors hold positions with specific responsibilities usually referred to as 'governor representatives'.  The representative will not only help the LGB to understand what happens in school but also helps the governors to fulfil their strategic role.

LGB Strategic Outline

LGB Register of Interests (inc. Terms of Office & Meeting Attendance)

Webpage link to MLT Terms of Office Information

Webpage link to MLT Key Documents page for Memorandum, Articles and Deed of Variations etc., and Finance and Governance

Our School Governors 

Click HERE to read who our current school governors are.

Categories of Governor

  • Parent governors are elected by parents / carers and must have a child at school at the time of election. They are appointed by the LGB for a term of 4 years.
  • Staff governors are elected by the staff and appointed by the LGB for a term of 4 years. The Headteacher in their 'ex officio' capacity is also a Staff Governor.
  • Community or co-opted governors are appointed by the LGB for a term of 1 year. 
  • Associate governors are appointed by the LGB and attend meetings as relevant without voting rights.
  • MLT trustees may also appoint governors to the LGB for a term of 1 year.


Governors at Ilkley Grammar School are required to attend LGB meetings and may be a member of one of the committees that help in running the school. The current committees are:

  • Resources: This committee is responsible for the school's financial strategy, school premises, staffing issues and employment matters
  • Pupil & Staff Discipline: This committee meets on an ad hoc basis to deal with matters of pupil and staff discipline
  • Pay Committee: This committee meets annually to consider any recommended pay awards for leadership staff and teachers on the upper pay spine
  • Performance Management: This committee meets to review the performance of the Headteacher

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