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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The PTA works to raise additional funds for school that enhance the enrichment and education of all our students. Extra funds also support a range of projects that the school would otherwise struggle to hold within existing budgets.

Each year we run a series of fundraising activities such as our cafe's at the Ilkley Literature Events at the school,  Wine Tasting evening, Quiz Night, Auction of Promises and other cafe's at school events. 

In past years we have funded:

  • The IGS Bursary (available to provide financial assistance to students who otherwise would not be able to afford to participate in trips and enrichment opportunities);

In May 2024, the PTA made grant of £400 for three more outdoor benches, following a specific request for these from the school council. We also funded a new outdoor water bottle filling fountain on the Armitage building. This is heavily used now. It was £600 including plumbing in. It is recessed so it can't be damaged. The PTA is also co-funding £1,000 for long jump with Ilkley Harriers. 

2024-06-10 New bench school PTA     2024-06-10 Water Fountain image

The Latest News & Events

We continue to support school events with cafe-bars requiring several volunteers to share the responsibility.

The Auction can raise a lot of money. If responsibility is shared among 3 or 4, the workload is minimal. We've postponed from Summer to Autumn 2024 as we still need volunteers. You can help on this without coming to meetings! Email to help.

IGS Marketplace

You can also help to raise money via IGS Marketplace on Facebook by selling your 'pre-loved' school items.

This is a group for Ilkley Grammar School parents and staff to buy and sell second hand school uniform, sports wear and sports equipment, miscellaneous educational equipment, books etc, to raise funds for the PTA. Please provide a description, photo and asking price with your post. Once sold, we ask the sellers to make a donation (50% suggested minimum) to the PTA using Parentpay to the school office. Thank you!

Next Meetings

As parents we help provide our children with purchases of school equipment that improves and enhances their school life.

IGS PTA warmly welcomes all parents to our meetings, held in the School Library at 19:30. We start meetings with tea, coffee, biscuits.

If you have any questions and/or are unable to attend our meetings but would like to be kept up to date, email

PTA meeting dates for 2023-24:

  • Wednesday 19th June 2024.

It's a great way for you to find out what's actually going on in school - our kids hardly tell us anything! We're a very friendly group and the meetings are always good fun, with a chance for you to see inside the school and hear the latest info directly from a leadership team.

Further ways to support us

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