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Years 7-11 Students

Discovery & AdventureTRIPS & VISITS

Broadening Horizons

Our students' academic life is enriched by a wide range of opportunities in which they explore and enjoy the world around them.

Memories to last a lifetime

Educational trips enhance studies beyond the classroom, making learning enjoyable and relevant.

  • Humanities run popular excursions to Iceland and the Belgium Battlefields.
  • Foreign exchanges take place with schools in Coutances (Normandy) and Madrid.
  • Sporting experiences range from visiting Wimbledon, netball and rugby tours and skiing in Europe.
  • There is the opportunity to take advantage of the various theatre, art and fieldwork trips.

'There are so many different activities you can do in the Lakes - there's something for everyone. Being challenged in an outdoor setting means you get to learn more about your potential and that of others.' Year 10 student

Residential Trips & Visits Overview at Ilkley Grammar School 2022/23

At IGS we run a wide range of trips and visits to enhance learning outside of the classroom. We anticipate the following trips will run annually or biennially. Please click on the individual trips for further information:


Trip / Visit

Subject Area/Staff

Approx. Cost


Year 7

Nell Bank (1 Day) - September

Year 7 pastoral team


September 2024

Year 7

C&C (4 Day trips) – July 2025

Mr Carr


September 2024

Year 7

C&C (4 local day trips) KS3 Carousel- July 2025

Mr Carr


September 2024

Year 8

C&C (4 Days) London – July 2025

Mr Carr


July 2024

Year 8

C&C (4 Day trips) Year 8 Carousel– July 2025

Mr Carr


July 2024

Year 8

C&C (4 local day trips) KS3 Carousel- July 2025

Mr Carr


July 2024

Year 9

Battlefields Trip (4 days) - Oct half term - launched to Y8 to travel in Y9 (2025)

Mrs K Lister


November 2024

Year 9

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze (2 Weekends) - Summer term 

Mrs N Robson


July 2024

Year 9

C&C (4 Days) Outdoor Education Trip in The Lake District – July 2025

Mr Carr


July 2024

Year 9

C&C (4 Day trips) – Year 9 Carousel July 2025

Mr Carr


July 2024

Year 9

C&C (4 local day trips) KS3 Carousel- July 2025

Mr Carr


July 2024

Year 9

KS3 Ski Trip (6 days in Europe) Easter - launched to Y8 to travel in Y9* (2025 ski trip will no longer run in Y9 after this one)

Mr Carr


February 2025

Year 10

Coutances French Exchange (1 Week) - October 2024 - launched to Y9/10 to travel in Y10/11 (2024)

MFL- Miss Paley-Hernandez


March 2024

Year 10

Duke of Edinburgh Silver (2 Long Weekends) - Summer term

Mrs N Robson


October 2024

Year 10

C&C Celebration Day- Blackpool – July 2025

Mr Carr


October 2024

Year 10

*A Year 10 ski trip will be re-instated from 2025-26*

Year 11

Madrid Spanish Exchange (1 Week) - February 2025

Mr Kehoe


June 2024

Year 11

Naples, Italy- Geography trip- Sept 2025 - TBC (Dates/availability/cost dependant)

Mr Greening


November 2024

Year 11

Coutances French Exchange (1 week) - October 2024 0 launched to Y9/10 to travel in Y10/11 (2024)

Miss Paley-Hernandez


March 2024


School Production residential for all year groups (2 Nights) Annual TBC - November

Creative Arts


September 2024


World Challenge - launched to Year 10/11 for travel to TBC in 2026

Mrs N Robson


September 2024

Enrichment trips and visits are an important and memorable part of education. They can enhance learning, enable students to grow in self-confidence and independence and allow them the chance to show leadership and teamwork skills. At Ilkley Grammar School we aim to provide our students with a variety of experiences throughout their time with us.

We strive to accommodate as many pupils as possible onto trips. In the event of the trip being oversubscribed we will endeavour to increase the capacity of a trip however this is not always possible due to staffing, accommodation, transport etc. Unless otherwise stated on the trip letter all places are allocated in a random draw. There are some trips which are designed for pupils who study certain subjects and therefore they may get priority places. Each trip is independent of other trips and if a student is not successful gaining a place on one trip it does not therefore give them priority on another trip.

We are continually reviewing the trips and visits offer in light of the current financial climate and actively looking to increase the range of opportunities available. We ensure that the prices of trips are competitive with other providers to get maximum value for money. All providers and tour operators satisfy and meet the requirements as per the local authority guidelines. Students in receipt of Pupil Premium or the Post-16 Bursary can request support on some of these trips. Support can also be requested from the PTA Hardship Fund.

Expectations on Educational Visits

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