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The Pupil Premium
Vision statement
"At Ilkley Grammar School our aim is to ensure that all students, regardless of social background, achieve their Personal Best. We aim for all students to enjoy an exceptional, inclusive learning experience so they have the ‘currency of choice’ in the future. No student should be disadvantaged in their pursuit of reaching their full potential and Ilkley Grammar School is committed to closing the achievement gap between those in receipt of pupil premium and those who are not. We strive to ensure that all students, particularly those who are disadvantaged, have a ‘seat at the table’ where their individuality, potential, and voices are recognised and celebrated.In line with our Personal Best Values, we recognise the importance of personal development and as such we aim to equip our pupil premium students with personalised opportunities to develop cultural capital and extra-curricular opportunities, nurturing proud, resilient and responsible students who embody our school values." |
What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is a government initiative designed to support the achievement of students who fall into the following groups:
- Children currently in receipt of Free School Meals for the academic year 2024-25
- Pupils in years 7 to 11 recorded as Ever 6 FSM
- Looked-after children (LAC)
- Children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order.To enable your child's school to claim the Pupil Premium for an adopted young person, you will need to inform the school about your child and provide supporting evidence, for example, show the school the original Adoption (Court) Order. This will then trigger the payment of the Pupil Premium to the school from April 2024.
- Service children: Pupils from Year 7 to Year 11 recorded as Ever 6 Service Child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.
Who is eligible?
Your child might be able to get Free School Meals if you get any of the following:
- Income Support
- Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £16,190, provided they are not receiving Working Tax Credit
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The 'Guaranteed' element of t he State Pension Credit
- Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
- Universal Credit with an annual net earned income threshold of less than £7,400
Further Information
There is a wealth of information available on the Bradford Schools Online Website. If you think your child may be eligible to receive Free School Meals or 'Ever 6 Service Child' Premium please make an application via the Bradford website here.
Please note that if a child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding but they do not require any additional support we will still need to monitor their progress. Please see our school website for more details.
Types of support/provision available
The school uses the Pupil Premium money to fund a range of activities, resources and interventions and where possible we will try to target funding to maximise the impact on achievement. Listed below are some examples of what the Pupil Premium money was used for last academic year:
- To provide additional support in English and maths for identified pupils.
- To meet half the cost of all core Curriculum trips and visits.
- To fund Food Technology to provide ingredients for Pupil Premium students as required.
- To fund Resistant Materials to allow Pupil Premium students to manufacture products.
- To provide Pupil Premium students with the equipment and resources they need for their school work including set texts and revision guides for students in year 11.
- To fund a Breakfast Club, to provide students with a nutritious breakfast.
- To provide enhanced pastoral and counselling support for students as required.
- To enable students to have iPads
- To provide a limited number of crested items of uniform if required.
- To support participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
Contact details
Should you wish to discuss the Pupil Premium further with someone in school please contact me directly and I will be able to answer any questions you may have. Any information shared will be treated in the strictest confidence and there are systems in place to ensure that support for students is provided sensitively. I can be contacted directly by email lisa.capstick@igs.mlt.co.uk or by calling the school on: 01943 608 424
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