- Welcome to IGS
- Vision and Values
- Academy Development Plan
- Admissions
- Alumni
- Calendar and School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality & Diversity
- Exam Results
- Fundamental British Values
- Governance
- iPads
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted
- Personal Development
- Policies
- Positive Feedback
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (inc. Teacher Training)
- Vacancies
- Venue Hire
- Y6 - Y7 Transition
- 16-19 Tuition Fund Statement
- Gallery
- Safeguarding
Positive messages from parents and the community
Thank Yous from Parents/Carers and the Community 2024-25
To see previous thank you's from parents, carers and the community please click on the year below:
- Welcome to IGS
- Vision and Values
- Academy Development Plan
- Admissions
- Alumni
- Calendar and School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality & Diversity
- Exam Results
- Fundamental British Values
- Governance
- iPads
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted
- Personal Development
- Policies
- Positive Feedback
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (inc. Teacher Training)
- Vacancies
- Venue Hire
- Y6 - Y7 Transition
- 16-19 Tuition Fund Statement
- Gallery
- Safeguarding