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Post-16 Students


The Post-16 approach to assessment and reporting is broadly in line with the well-established processes at KS3 and 4. 

There are two tracking points each year which are informed by a range of information gathered over time. 

Teachers report on Commitment to Learning, Independent Work and give Current and Teacher Predicted at each tracking point which can be compared with targets which are generated based on KS4 outcomes. UCAS predicted grades are based on Year 12 mocks, teaching and assessment data; these are reviewed in the Autumn term.

There are more formal mock exams in year 12 and 13, with study leave, which are designed to prepare students for working in controlled conditions. 

There is a range of support strategies that can be put in place if a student is struggling but if it becomes clear that a student is not achieving their Personal Best and that they are not making productive use of their time then it may be necessary to put an Academic Support Plan in place. 

Assessment, Reporting and Support Plans 2024-25 Download 

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