- Overview
- Academic Links
- Assessment - Making Progress
- Assessment - Recording and Reporting
- Attendance and Absence
- Catering
- Commitment to Learning
- Emergency Closure Procedures
- Exams
- Home School Agreement
- Inclusive Learning
- Medicine in School
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- One Minute Guides
- Parent Advice - Careers
- Parent View - Ofsted
- PTA Enrichment Bursary
- Transport
- Uniform
Students are regularly assessed in all subjects to ensure that work is appropriate to their needs, to check on progress made and to allow us to inform parents. Targets are set for all students as part of this process, and PBT time allows us to work with them to discuss and review progress and agree targets for improvement.
Every parent can expect the following communications within an academic year:
- Progress Tracking information will be sent home at 2 tracking points in the year for all year groups other than year 11 and year 12, who will receive tracking information at 3 points throughout the year. This will be in the form of a report, one of which will also contain Tutor comments.
- A meeting with subject teachers. These meetings will be carried out remotely for Years 8, 9, 10 and 12 and in school for Years 7, 11 and 13.
Key Stage 3
A new assessment and reporting framework has been introduced and will be effective from 2024/25.
A parent / carer guide has been produced to help parents understanding of the new framework, and how progress and attainment will be reported at KS3.
Subject areas have produced clear and coherent Curriculum Overviews which can be found in our 'Assessment - Making Progress at KS3' section of our school website. Students and parents can see a chronological picture of the curriculum for each subject. This directly relates to the assessed content that helps to inform the progress and attainment judgements at each tracking point. Students should use this information, along with feedback from subject teachers, to identify which parts of the curriculum they need to work on in order to make further progress.
Key Stage 4
From September 2015 reformed GCSEs were introduced assessed using the new GCSE grades of 9-1. A parent / carer guide to progress tracking for Key Stage 4 has been produced to help parents / carers understanding the progress monitoring system used by Ilkley Grammar School and the national changes to GCSEs.
Guide to Progress Tracking KS4
Subject areas have used Ofqual guidance, along with their experience, to produced, what we hope are, clear and student-friendly ‘making progress guides’ for each area. These can be found in our 'Assessment - Making Progress at KS4' section of our school website. Students and parents can see what steps need to be taken in order to reach the next level for individual subjects.
Key Stage 5
A guide to Post 16 progress tracking is also available to help parents understand the progress monitoring system used by Ilkley Grammar School.
- Overview
- Academic Links
- Assessment - Making Progress
- Assessment - Recording and Reporting
- Attendance and Absence
- Catering
- Commitment to Learning
- Emergency Closure Procedures
- Exams
- Home School Agreement
- Inclusive Learning
- Medicine in School
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- One Minute Guides
- Parent Advice - Careers
- Parent View - Ofsted
- PTA Enrichment Bursary
- Transport
- Uniform