- Welcome to IGS
- Vision and Values
- Academy Development Plan
- Admissions
- Alumni
- Calendar and School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality & Diversity
- Exam Results
- Fundamental British Values
- Governance
- iPads
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted
- Personal Development
- Policies
- Positive Feedback
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (inc. Teacher Training)
- Vacancies
- Venue Hire
- Y6 - Y7 Transition
- 16-19 Tuition Fund Statement
- Gallery
- Safeguarding
As an ‘Outstanding’ comprehensive academy, our overriding aim is for all students to enjoy a world-class and inclusive education and for them to achieve everything that they are capable of – their ‘Personal Best’ - from year 7 right through to Post-16 and beyond.
Our vision at Ilkley Grammar School is to provide a world-class, inclusive education and exceptional opportunities which will enrich us both individually and collectively as a community. We will inspire, support and challenge each other to achieve our Personal Best so that we all grow in wisdom and stature. By modelling our Personal Best values and championing equality and diversity, we will make a positive difference to our own lives and the lives of others and will be empowered to lead and influence positive change on a local, regional, national and global scale.
Personal Best is at the heart of Ilkley Grammar School and reflects our high expectations of every student and every member of staff. Whilst we challenge and support all students to enjoy academic success and the fulfilment of their academic potential, alongside being successful learners, we want our young people to be exceptional citizens who can genuinely make a positive difference through the lives they lead and the choices they make. In other words, we want them to grow in wisdom and stature, in line with our Latin motto, acquiring knowledge but also growing in character with the confidence, skills, qualities and values to make a valuable contribution to society.
To achieve our vision, our work and our relationships are guided by our 6 Personal Best values: Respect; Kindness; Responsibility; Courage; Resilience and Pride.
These values shape our culture, permeate everything we do as part of the IGS Community and enable students to achieve their Personal Best, Grow in Wisdom and Stature, and make a positive difference to themselves and others through the lives they lead and the choices they make.
We hope that all students will leave IGS not only with outstanding results of which they and their families can be proud, but also with values and personal qualities which will allow them to make a positive difference through the lives they lead. These include the ability to form positive, safe relationships built on trust and respect, to develop emotional resilience and learn from failure and constructive criticism as well as success, to take responsibility and play their part in creating a caring, inclusive and just society, to act with kindness and courage, and to take pride in who they are, their achievements, their school and their community.
We take pride in our school and wider community.
We take pride in our learning, achievements and personal development.
We are kind and supportive to each other and celebrate diversity and individuality.
We are kind to ourselves and value the importance of self-care.
We have the courage to support and challenge others.
We have the courage to use our voice to make a positive difference.
We respect ourselves, others, our environment and our community.
We respect the right of others to work, learn and share knowledge.
We take responsibility for our own learning and motivation.
We take responsibility for our own health and safety and for those around us.
We have the resilience to overcome barriers, learn from our mistakes and strive to improve.
We have the resilience to persevere when faced with challenge and hard thinking.
- Welcome to IGS
- Vision and Values
- Academy Development Plan
- Admissions
- Alumni
- Calendar and School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality & Diversity
- Exam Results
- Fundamental British Values
- Governance
- iPads
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted
- Personal Development
- Policies
- Positive Feedback
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (inc. Teacher Training)
- Vacancies
- Venue Hire
- Y6 - Y7 Transition
- 16-19 Tuition Fund Statement
- Gallery
- Safeguarding