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To report any safeguarding concerns click HERE

Ilkley Grammar School are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our students. Each student’s welfare is of paramount importance. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child. To support safeguarding IGS is committed to robust safer recruitment practices.  

  • All staff have read the current Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance from the Department of Education. Click HERE to read the latest version.
  • Please click HERE to access our Trust's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.

If you have any questions regarding safeguarding, please contact our Safeguarding Team on

Speak UPCall It Out

Our school values help us to prevent discrimination because they encourage us to take responsibility for our actions, to respect ourselves and others, have the courage to not be bystanders, to be resilient in the face of injustice, to be proud of who we are and to be kind to ourselves and others.

We encourage our students to 'Speak up' if they hear/see things that fall below the values and expectations we have of our community. We encourage students to speak to staff where possible, but if they feel more comfortable then they can report non-safeguarding concerns online using the QR code below via their school email address.

Safeguarding Responsibilities

Safeguarding Named Persons 2024-25

Extremism Safeguarding Responsibilities

As a school we have procedures in place to ensure the safety of our pupils in Ilkley Grammar School. We have clear processes and procedures in place to meet the safeguarding responsibilities specified in the Department for Education guidance "Keeping Children Safe in Education" and "Working Together to Safeguard Children".

Since July 2015, schools and a range of other public bodies have had a legal responsibility to give due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. This is known as the Prevent duty and is part of Ilkley Grammar School's wider safeguarding.

We already help safeguard pupils from the harms they may face such as drugs, gangs and sexual exploitation. Just like these harms, radicalisation can have a devastating effect on individuals, families and communities. Protecting pupils from the influence of extremist ideas is therefore an important part a school's safeguarding role.

Many extremist groups now make sophisticated use of the internet and social media to target young people and spread their ideology at an unprecedented pace and scale. This has made young people more vulnerable to being influenced by extremist ideas.

Our Governors and Leadership Team play a crucial role in ensuring we protect children and young people from this threat. Members of our Safeguarding Team have undertaken specialised training in this subject and as a school we foster a strong ethos and values based education which plays an important role in ensuring that our students build the resilience and critical thinking skills they need to challenge extremism and be fully prepared for life in modern Britain.

Report RemoveReport Remove

The NSPCC’s service for children and young people, Childline, has launched the Report Remove tool with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) to help young people remove nude images of themselves from the internet.

The Report Remove tool can be used by any young person under 18 to report a nude image or video of themselves that’s appeared online. The IWF then review these reports, and work to have the content removed if it breaks the law.

There are many reasons a young person may have shared a self-generated sexual image. Some may have sent an image for fun, or to a boyfriend or girlfriend, which has then been shared with others or on platforms without their consent. They may also have been groomed online or blackmailed into sharing this content.

To report a nude image or video, the young person has to first verify their age. Our Childline service ensures all young people are safeguarded and supported throughout the process. Young people can expect the same level of confidentiality they would from all their interactions with Childline; they do not need to provide their real name to Childline or IWF if they don’t want to.

If a child has had a nude image shared online it’s vital they know who to turn to for support and our Report Remove tool is available for them

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