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Ilkley Trophy 12th - 19th June 2022

Well done to all our students who took part as the ball crew for the Ilkley Tennis Trophy at the Ilkley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club.

The ball crew consisted of eighty-six students who attended five after-school training sessions at IGS, run by coaches from the tennis club. This year the main cohort of students were Year 9 with the remainder of the crew made up of Student Sports Council members from Years 7 and 8. All students that attended all training sessions were given the opportunity to be a part of the crew. 

Our students showed a high level of concentration, endurance, efficiency and commitment throughout the ten days of tennis action. It was a fantastic opportunity for everyone involved and a great experience working with some of the best tennis players in the world.

Our thanks goes to the ILTSC for providing our students this great experience. We're looking forward to next year already!

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