Wednesday 13th July 2022
Written by Sean Hayes | Y12 Eco-iLeader
We are delighted to say that weeks of lugging mountains of your donations around school have paid off - to the joyful tune of £1306.15!
Our first ever Pre-loved Uniform Sale has been an unqualified success for the Eco-iLeaders and for parents alike. For weeks on end, IGS parents have been dropping in and kindly leaving us any school uniform that they no longer wanted cluttering up their homes. These donations were then carted all over the site by the fantastic Eco-iLeaders and became a gigantic pile in the centre of the sports hall.
By the time that waves of parents had begun arriving at the sale, this chaotic pile had been expertly sorted by a superbly commendable team of volunteers of IGS’s Eco-iLeaders together with many other students who generously gave up their time to help. They even had time to play a very short game of cricket before the opening! These same students then transformed into personal shoppers, who guided parents around and made sure that they found every item of clothing on their lists.
Even at the extremely modest prices that we charged (only £3 for a blazer), we still managed to raise the tremendous sum of over £1300. A sum that all the helpers, the teachers and the parents, who came and who donated, should all be extremely proud of. The money will now be split between a charity offering relief to Ukraine, at this horrendous time, and supporting the other exciting initiatives that the Eco-iLeaders have already begun planning for next year.
A special thanks to all of those involved in helping make the day an unequivocal triumph over the cycle of waste involved in the production of clothing and especially uniform. Thanks to all the parents who came to our sale and left with an armful of recycled items - including coats, revision books and even free socks!
Please keep an eye out for all the other chances to be involved in the eco-friendly community that the IGS Eco-iLeaders are fostering through successful challenges and activities, such as this one!
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