November 2021
The Eco ileaders are on a mission to reduce our waste at IGS!
The Eco-iLeader group is open to students in all years who are passionate about environmental issues and are willing to take action within the school and the wider community. The role involves coming up with new initiatives for the school to adopt. iLeaders have the opportunity to work in a team to design projects, raise awareness and educate others about environmental problems within the school.
This year our Eco iLeader group has over 40 members who are all concerned about our environment, sustainability and the effects of Climate Change. The group has decided to focus on the following projects below:
Establish a weekly paper 'Recycling Rota' within school Less paper usage - Reduce printing |
Reduce one-use plastics Encourage use of own water bottles |
Establish Gardening Club No Mow May (Plantlife campaign) |
Local litter picks Great Big School Clean (Keep Britain Tidy campaign) |
Pre-loved uniform/PE kit sale |
At IGS we have the following effective practices in place to reduce our paper usage:
- Parent letters and newsletters are sent via email;
- Administration processes are online (e.g. Parents’ evenings, consent forms, data collection);
- The school website contains additional information, news and the prospectus;
- We utilise the latest technology and online student learning tools (e.g. iPads, Showbie).
But the Eco iLeaders know that there is still more we can do!
The group have started their efforts by raising awareness in displays around school and talking to everyone about how saving paper saves trees.
Over 20 Eco iLeaders participated in their first litter pick of the year after school on Thursday 11th November. In half an hour they managed to collect 5 full (biodegradeable) bin bags of rubbish. The litter pickers and hoops were kindly loaned to us by Wharfedale Tackles Plastic and Friends of Ilkley Moor.