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£12,133 finalThe PTA held its Annual General Meeting on Monday 8th November and I am pleased to say that all posts were filled for another year, as follows:

  • Chair – Jane Wearing;
  • Treasurer – Stephen McCann;
  • Secretary – Sara Scott;
  • Executive Committee members – Jamie Gutch (Teacher Representative), Martin Brittain & Caroline Grice-Ellis

Thank you to them all for their time and commitment.

It was reported that just over £12,000 was raised by the PTA over the 2020/2021 academic year.

The money raised was committed to the following projects:

3 Easy Ways 13 Easy Ways 23 Easy Ways 3The year did not see the usual calendar of fundraising events, due to Covid, but we would like to thank everyone that supported us by making financial donations via the GoFundMe website and supporting us through registering with Your School Lottery, easyfundraising and Amazon smile.

In terms of fundraising events this coming year, we do have plans to hold face to face events if at all possible. It was with disappointment that we had to postpone the wine tasting evening scheduled for Friday 12th November due to Covid, but we have re-scheduled to Friday 4th February 2022 and we really hope we’ll be able to run the event at that time. We have also set a date for our annual Quiz & Curry night, which has been scheduled for Friday 25th March 2022. Please make a note of these dates in your diaries and watch this space for further details.

Finally, with Black Friday almost upon us and with Christmas also approaching, don’t forget to use easy fundraising or Amazon Smile for all your online shopping. You can choose IGS PTA as your nominated charity and every time you spend, we’ll receive a payment. It costs you nothing and is so easy – go to  or go to 

If you are not already on our mailing list and would be interested in attending our meetings, please email us at Or if you have any other queries about the PTA or simply would like to get in touch, please do so at the same e-mail address.

Many thanks

Jane Wearing, PTA Chair

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