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Transition Visits To Leeds City & Craven Colleges

Successful Supported Transitions!

26th May and 6th June 2023

With only a matter of weeks to go until the conclusion of the examination season, students can now begin to turn their attention to the excitement of new educational adventures that lay ahead! Whether it’s a degree course at university; A-Level study at sixth-form; a vocational course at college, or an apprenticeship with a local employer, students embark upon an onwards-journey from a prescriptive curriculum to modes of study involving increased independence and personal choice.

For some, the prospect of change cannot come soon enough, but for others it can trigger feelings of uncertainty as students move away from the familiarity of their secondary school building; the security of teacher and support-staff relationships, and the comfort of friendships forged since early childhood. To ease the transitional process, therefore, universities and colleges run ‘Welcome’ events and ‘Future Student’ days where prospective students are invited to attend workshop activities, meet fellow students, and explore the facilities and layout of their new campus.

For IGS students with specific learning needs, we have been co-ordinating and carrying-out a number of successful ‘Transition Visits’ to Post-18 and Post-16 education-providers, to assist in ensuring a smooth onwards progression from secondary school. Year 13 students have attended the Art & Design and Media departments at Leeds City College and Year 11s have completed a series of visits to the Animal Care, Catering and Esports faculties at Craven College. Students have met with course tutors; explored facilities/ workshops; discovered curriculum content; been shown around learning resource centres and familiarised themselves with staff (and spaces) they can access for time-out and support.

They’ve also been able to gain answers to a myriad of questions, helping to allay any niggling fears:  When does the day begin and end? How will I travel here?  Can I get help with rail or bus fares? How long does it take to walk from the station to college? Where are the toilets? What sorts of things can I get to eat in the canteen at lunch? Do I get to call tutors by their first name?  Can I really wear absolutely what I want?

And the all-important: What can I buy from your vending machines?!

TOP TIP: Please ensure you’re regularly checking your email inbox for communications from your next destination! For some college courses, attendance at ‘Welcome’ events are mandatory to attend and, should you fail to so, you can risk losing your place. Often, you will be required to respond/ book a place on the event, so take care to follow instructions, and links, carefully.

Craven College are holding their ‘Future Student’ event on the morning of Friday 23rd June 2023. Click HERE for details.

If you’ve not received an invitation to a ‘Welcome’ event at the college you are due to start in September, please contact Mrs Carter and she will look into this for you: 

Wishing all our students a successful and smooth ‘next-steps’ transition!

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