- Welcome to IGS
- Vision and Values
- Academy Development Plan
- Admissions
- Alumni
- Calendar and School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality & Diversity
- Exam Results
- Fundamental British Values
- Governance
- iPads
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted
- Personal Development
- Policies
- Positive Feedback
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (inc. Teacher Training)
- Vacancies
- Venue Hire
- Y6 - Y7 Transition
- 16-19 Tuition Fund Statement
- Gallery
- Safeguarding
Year 6 - 7 Transition
We always look forward to meeting all Year 6 students coming to the school in September each year and very much hope that they are looking forward to the next step in their educational journey. We will post links below to useful dates in the Spring of each year.
If you have any queries regarding your child's transition to IGS please contact us via the following dedicated email address: transition@ilkleygs.co.uk
- Welcome to IGS
- Vision and Values
- Academy Development Plan
- Admissions
- Alumni
- Calendar and School Day
- Data Protection
- Equality & Diversity
- Exam Results
- Fundamental British Values
- Governance
- iPads
- Moorlands Learning Trust
- Ofsted
- Personal Development
- Policies
- Positive Feedback
- RED KITE ALLIANCE (inc. Teacher Training)
- Vacancies
- Venue Hire
- Y6 - Y7 Transition
- 16-19 Tuition Fund Statement
- Gallery
- Safeguarding