Post-16 students recently enjoyed a virtual chat with local MP.
Local Conservative MP, Robbie Moore, linked up with the Year 12 Politics class from his House of Commons office via zoom on Thursday 10th June. The students were able to ask him a range of questions about issues such as his voting behaviour in Parliament, opinions on lockdown easing, his background in politics and how he came to be a Conservative MP.
It was a hugely useful session and thank you to Robbie for making time for this.
"Around three months ago I set up a Twitter account for the Ilkley Grammar School Politics department. I ran this myself to showcase work of our students and also key news from the political world. Only a small number of weeks in I was contacted by our local MP, Robbie Moore who followed the account and asked if he could join the Year 12 politics class for a talk. After a number of weeks planning, Robbie Moore joined us via zoom. He gave a brief talk about himself and his career before giving us the chance to ask him questions, and in turn, for him to ask questions.
It was a very enjoyable afternoon where we learnt a great deal about careers in politics. We thank Robbie for the time he gave us."
Joseph Shaw | A Level Politics Student
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