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NATIONAL POETRY DAYNational poetry day

The theme for this year's National Poetry Day was 'Vision'. Our take on this was to consider '2020 Vision' and what our eyes have been opened to over the last few months. We asked Key Stage Three students to acknowledge the horrific events of this year and then to consider the positives we could take from our experiences. The students explored a number of 'hopeful' poems before creating their own. Please see two stand out pieces below. Hopefully, we can find a bit of joy within the trials of this year. 

For further information about National Poetry Day please click here.

The virus creeps through the shadows

like a watchful cat striking silently.

We are tossed deep beneath the ground

into caves of suffocating darkness

We have no torch by which to see

But that doesn’t stop us

Together we feel our way through pitch black tunnels

United we devise our plans to escape

Our arms linked

Then a crack opens up above

And sunlight spills in

Illuminating a rocky path ahead


by Emelyn McCann 8RF

I saw

Empty roads,

Empty shelves,

Empty seats, chairs and benches.

I saw

Closed doors,

Closed stores,

Closed minds

I saw

Blue banners,

Blue lights,

Blue skys, rivers and seas.


by Mack Hall 8RF

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