9th December 2022
Dr Guy Sutton, a leading specialist in neuroscience from Nottingham Medical School, delivered a full day's seminar to Y13 Psychology students on how the brain functions and brain abnormalities.
The tutorial involved a variety of stimulating activities including workshops on the structure and functions of the brain, causes of mental illness and the effects of drugs on the brain. Dr. Sutton showed students key structures in the brain and how human brains differ to animal brains. Students were able to watch as Guy dissected a sheep’s brain and were able to touch the different structures of the brain. Dr Sutton commented on how engaged and informed Ilkley Grammar students were during the session. Many students commented how useful it was to see a real brain, with one student saying:
"It’s really useful to see the structures that we learn about in lessons, as it makes it seem more real".
Another student commented:
"It was really useful to be able to ask Guy questions about Schizophrenia and up to date research on treatment options – he knows everything, it’s amazing’.
Psychology students will be learning about Schizophrenia after the Christmas break and will be using their knowledge from 'Brain Day' in forth coming lessons. The tutorial is directly relevant to the Biopsychology topic which students are studying in their A-Level Psychology course and is particularly useful for students wanting to gain an insight into psychology and neuroscience at degree level. It was therefore a very beneficial and fascinating day for students to be involved in.
Ms Welsh, Psychology teacher stated:
"It was a massive success! Students were delighted to touch a sheep’s brain and watch it be dissected. Dr Guy Sutton commented that Ilkley Grammar students were some of the most engaged and enthused students he has come across. He delivers these sessions all over England, so quite the compliment."
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