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6. Attendance

Excellent attendance is considered an absolute priority for all students at Ilkley Grammar School. We have set a target of 97% for students across school as we recognise great attendance allows each child to:

  • access a broad, balanced and rigorous curriculum and make accelerated progress across all subjects without developing gaps in knowledge which can make learning difficult
  • benefit from school-based pastoral, safeguarding and wellbeing support  
  • develop routines, Responsibilities and Resilience that establish strong foundations for life  

6.1 What happens if my child is absent?  

  • Parents and carers must notify school of the reason for absence by 08:00 each morning. This can be done using the Edulink App 
  • Where school are unaware of the reason for absence, they will send a text message during period 1 and log the reason for absence once a response is received  
  • Where a response is not received, or we are not satisfied with the reason for absence, the absence will be marked as ‘unauthorised’  
  • Where there is a known medical or other agreed reason for the absence, it will be coded as an ‘authorised’ absence  
  • For extended periods of absence, or in response to unexplained absence, we will undertake home visits to establish the wellbeing and safeguarding of students and plan for a return  

6.2 What happens if my child is late?  

  • If a student arrives after 08:25 but before 0900, they will be given a late mark (register code ‘L’) but will still receive an attendance mark for the morning session  
  • If a student arrives after 0900, when the registers have closed, they will be given an absence mark (register code ‘U’) and will not receive an attendance mark for the entire morning session
  • Persistent lateness will lead to dialogue between the pastoral team, student and parent to improve a student’s lateness and where necessary a sanction in line with the school’s relationships policy 

6.3 What is Persistent Absenteeism?  

  • A persistent absentee is anybody with attendance below 90%. Students who are below 90%, or who are at risk of falling below 90%, will receive enhanced pastoral support to improve their attendance. This will in include dialogue with parents/carers to work together to improve a student’s attendance. 

6.4 What is Severe Absenteeism?  

  • A student is classed as severely absent if their attendance is below 50%. Students who are below 50%, will receive enhanced support to improve their attendance including support of the Student and Families Outreach Specialist and Safeguarding team. Home visits will be conducted to support a child to return to school and ensure their wellbeing and safeguarding needs are met. 

6.5 Can I take holidays / leaves of absence during term time?  

  • Families are not permitted to take any holidays during term time. While families are welcome to make a request for leave, they will only be granted in exceptional circumstances by the Headteacher. To request leave during term time, complete the form here
  • In line with statutory guidance, Ilkley Grammar School will refer all unauthorised term time holiday absences of five days or more over a ten-week period and fixed penalty fines will be issued by the Local Authority for each parent and each child
  • A national threshold for the consideration of a penalty notice has been set which is 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a rolling period of 10 weeks – the sessions do not have to be consecutive and can be made up of any combination of unauthorised absence including arriving late after the registers have closed (30 minutes after the end of statutory am and pm registration) and unauthorised term-time holiday of 1-4 days. If a child is off for unauthorised reasons for more than 10 sessions (5 days) in a rolling ten-week period, then the school must consider referring the parents of the child to Bradford MDC for a fine to be issued.

6.6 Who can I speak to if I require support with my child’s attendance?  

  • Day to day attendance enquiries can be directed to the attendance team. This will include requests for leave, reasons for absence and clarification around processes
  • For support with improving attendance, or addressing barriers to attendance, you can speak with any member of your child’s pastoral team  

For additional information see the Ilkley Grammar School’s Attendance Policy which can be found here 

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