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Post-16 Students


At IGS we have a unique approach to student Personal Development which runs in parallel with, and interconnects with academic development. We see Personal Development as a ‘web’ of interconnected experiences and skills which combine and grow in each individual person over time.2022 Personal Development Wheel

In order to flourish and to achieve their individual potential students need to engage with as many Personal Development opportunities as possible in a combination that is unique to them.

The objective is for students to develop a portfolio of extra-curricular skills and experiences which combine with academic studies to ensure they can make competitive applications and secure the best possible destinations.

At IGS these Personal Development skills and experiences are delivered through a combination of the taught curriculum, tutor time, Wednesday PBT (Personal Best Time), PSHE lessons, and all the various leadership and extra-curricular activities on offer.

During their time in post-16 students will create Personal Development self-reports which will be shared with parents/carers and with tutors. The concept of the self-report is an important one as it requires students to reflect upon and organise their own experiences in a number of categories or strands (see graphic above). Along with materials gathered in the Personal Development folder on Showbie and the destinations platform Unifrog , these self-reports will be used to inform personal statements, CVs and teacher references.

Have a look at the information below to get a flavour of the range of post-16 opportunities in each area of the Personal Development web and to see where in the curriculum these opportunities will be offered.

Active Citizenship & Community

Active Citizenship and Community

As part of the Personal Development programme students are strongly encouraged to participate in voluntary work during their time in the Sixth Form. This includes volunteering in local charity shops, nursing homes, the local medical patients’ council and local primary schools.

Post-16 students also support many charities through a wide range of initiatives.  Every year we hold a 'Charities Week' in order to raise money for the chosen charity. 

Charities Week and events throughout the year are used to support a range of charities selected by our students such: Cancer Support Yorkshire; Bradford Hospitals’ Charity; The Clarke Foley Centre and Ilkley Good Neighbours. Over the Christmas period Post-16 students also make donations to the local food bank.

Volunteering and Active Citizenship opportunities are advertised to post-16 students via the weekly bulletin which is shared in tutor time each week.

iLeader roles which fall within this strand are:

  • Eco-iLeader
  • Community iLeader

Leadership & Influence

Leadership and influence

At IGS we are committed to supporting students in achieving their potential through developing leadership and public speaking skills. At IGS there are many opportunities for students to develop these skills and attributes both through activities involving all students such as the Moral maze in tutor time (short format debating) as well as through opt-in activities. There are interconnected leadership opportunities within each Personal Development strand as well as a single strand dedicated to leadership itself.

Examples of leadership/public speaking opportunities include:

  • Student Leadership Team (SLT),
  • PBT iLeaders (accredited position),
  • Mental Health iLeaders (accredited position),
  • Subject Ambassadors,
  • Student Council
  • Sports Leaders
  • Debating club and Post-16 discussion group as well as a variety of competitions
  • Over 30 other iLeader opportunities across the 8 Personal Development strands

Below is an outline of the responsibilities these positions entail:

Student Leadership Team (SLT)

Being a member of the SLT is seen as being an honour and is something that younger students aspire to become. Students have to formally apply for the position supported by sponsorship of one member of staff. Selection is not automatic as there are specific requirements to fulfil.

There are typically two Head Students each year, 5 deputies supported by a team of between 10 and 20 members of SLT who will all be attached to a year group and will be part of a sub-committee working on an identified priority such as student mental health or the environment.

Personal Best Time (PBT) iLeaders (accredited SSAT position)

This position allows students to work closely with a specific form group in either Year 7,8 or 9 and to help students build their confidence and skills. Students will have the opportunity to lead on sessions within PBT, a chance to develop their own PBT sessions on topics they are passionate about and want other students to share in that passion, as well as supporting other year groups at events such as Charities Week. Students volunteer for this position which also allows students to work towards achieving the SSAT Student Leadership Accreditation certificate, giving them a chance to develop their own leadership qualities and skills which can be used to help support future applications to Universities or Employers.

Student Council

This well-established position allows students to have their voices, and the voices of their peers heard at a whole school level. It provides students with opportunities to work with the school leadership as well as the Post-16 SLT to make positive difference to the experiences of students here at IGS.

Debating and Public Speaking

Students are encouraged to engage in the Debating club and to be involved with the public speaking competitions which are organised by the local Rotary Clubs and other organisations such as Debating Matters. There is also a student led Post-16 discussion group which seeks to explore sensitive and/or controversial issues. In 2024-25 all students afe involved in the weekly ‘Moral Maze’ – a short form debate in which students have the opportunity to play devil’s advocate and debate the issues of our time.

Other iLeader opportunities

As part of the school’s wider Leadership programme, students have access to a bespoke menu that offers a large range of leadership opportunities for students to get involved with and really enhance their Sixth Form experience. These opportunities will always fall under at least one of the 8 Personal Development strands and will give students the chance to develop those softer skills outside of the academic world which can be used to support their future applications to universities and employers. For further information, look out for the Student Leadership Menu (example below from 2023-24) or speak to the Student Leadership Coordinator.

Post-16 Student Leadership Menu 2023-24

Scholarship & Curiosity

Scholarship and curiosity

Subject Enhancement Lists

Each subject studied at Post-16 produces a booklet with books, films, podcasts, journals which will offer students a deeper insight into the subjects they are studying. Please click on an A-Level subject to download the subject enhancement lists produced for each subject by our Post-16 staff.





















P.E. (A-Level)









Subject iLeaders

This position allows students to be an advocate for a subject area supporting learners, curriculum-based events and promoting their subject area.  Students volunteer for this position which is supported by subject staff.


  • To promote/advertise the subject within the Post-16 area
  • To support students lower down the school in their learning within lessons
  • To attend Post-16 and whole school Open Evenings to support the subject area
  • To offer a student’s view of the subject on Taster Day
  • To support ‘choice’ events/programmes e.g. KS3 into 4 options
  • To support whole school curriculum-based events e.g. Arts Evening, Public Speaking, etc. 

Subject Ambassadors

Students can apply to be subject ambassadors and promote the subject at school events e.g. Open Evening. Ambassadors will be first approved by the subject area. They can also be proposed by subject areas.

Next Steps & Careers

Next Steps and Careers

This Personal Development strand is woven into all aspects of school life, from subject lessons to micro-curricula in PBT, assemblies and activities organised with school or taking place out of school such as Work Experience. All students in Years 12 and 13 attend the IGS Careers Fair ‘FutureFest’ in December. Year 12 Next Steps Week which takes place in the summer term each year is packed full of events to ensure students are informed about the range of Post-18 pathways available. The aim of the programme is to ensure that all students are prepared for their next steps whether it is transition into Post-16, to College or an apprenticeship or an application to university or for employment. For further information see the Post-18 pathways section of the website.

Sport, Interests & Culture

Sport, interests and Culture


The school competes in both local area and national sporting competitions in a variety of different sports, including netball, rugby, football and cross country and also offers opportunities for social sport in Post-16. We also offer students the opportunity to gain a Level 3 qualification in Sports Leadership as part of our enrichment program and through this students lead lunchtime clubs as well as events with primary schools and other organisations. Post-16 is not just about the academic – it is important students stay physically fit both mentally and physically to help them in their quest for excellence.

Music and the Performing Arts

The school puts on dance, drama and music productions during the year and Year 12 and 13 always play key roles both on stage and backstage. These are a major feature of school life. In recent years the school productions have been ‘The Sound of Music’ and Grease! And in 2024 they will perform Les Miserables. This will feature many of our talented Post-16 musicians and actors.
As well as the traditional school orchestras, Ilkley Grammar School has a wide range of student driven bands playing a diverse range of rock, ska, funk, acoustic, bands and vocal groups depending on the talents of students in each year group.  These bands play at Christmas assemblies, leaver’s presentations and charity fundraising events and the IGS Battle of the Bands which in 2024 became a Red Kite Alliance event held at the Wardrobe in Leeds involving 16 schools. 

Art and Photography

The art department offers a range of enrichment opportunities. These include visits to local and London galleries, a programme of visiting speakers from the art industry, and the opportunity to enter local and national competitions. We have links with the Ilkley Art School, where many of our students attend Life Drawing classes.

The annual Creative Arts Evening which takes place in July each year, draws together all the arts-based subjects at IGS into a celebration of creativity at IGS.

ILeader roles which fall within this Personal Development strand are:

  • Dance iLeader
  • Sport iLeader
  • Sports Council
  • Art and Photography Club iLeader
  • Choir iLeader

Other interests

Students are also encouraged to initiate and run their own clubs and societies either with their peers or with students in lower school and support is provided by the Post-16 SLT and staff team where possible.

Ilkley Literature Festival

IGS is actively developing links with the Ilkley Literature Festival which takes place each year. Since 2022 IGS has been a venue for the festival and hosts multiple events. Students volunteer directly with the Literature Festival and in recent years students have also had the opportunity to interview a number of important public figures such as the philosopher A.C Grayling, the Oxford academic and author of ‘This is Shakespeare’ Emma Smith, Booker Prize winning author Jeanette Winterson, Strictly Judge Anton DuBeke and renowned historian Tom Holland.

Health & WellbeingMental Health and wellbeing

This Personal Development strand is delivered to students in all year groups as a core entitlement through a combination of micro-curricula in PBT and Citizenship (CEP in Post-16), assemblies and other one-off events such as wellbeing week.

With a qualified MHFA trainer based in school and 80+ staff having completed the two day MHFA (Mental Health First Aid) training and further training of staff and students scheduled for this year, this is a real strength of our provision at IGS and demonstrates a commitment to working together as a community to meet our wellbeing needs.

Mental Health iLeaders (accredited position)

This key position allows students to develop their understanding of Mental Health issues as well as explore multiple strategies that can support when people are experiencing poor mental health. Following a bespoke training plan, iLeaders will use their new skills to raise awareness of Mental Health and promote methods to improve student wellbeing through assemblies, PBT sessions, and a whole Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Week. This position will develop leadership qualities and skills to improve whole school provision of Mental Health support at IGS. It will also provide an opportunity for self-reflection and support with iLeaders own journey in becoming better practitioners in terms of their own day-to-day mental health.

Respect, Equality & Diversity

Respect, Equality and Diversity

The school is currently working towards the RED Award which is an accreditation developed by the Red Kite Alliance. The school takes pride in the fact that many initiatives are planned and led by students. There are several iLeader roles which fall within the remit of Respect, Equality and Diversity:

  • Anti-bullying iLeaders
  • LGBTQ+ iLeaders
  • Model United Nations

The annual Diversity Day is delivered to all year 9 students and activities are led by a combination of external providers, IGS staff and involves many Post-16 student leaders.

Discovery & Adventure

Discovery and Adventure

Post-16 students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of trips during their time in the 6th form - from Iceland and CERN (Geography & Science), Krakow (Humanities), a cultural trip to Paris (2022,2023), Berlin (2024), Geography trips to Cranedale, Skiing in Europe and/or USA/Canada, Exchanges to France and Spain, Theatre and Art Trips to London…the choice is enormous.  Our staff are committed to running extra-curricular opportunities and Ilkley Grammar School prides itself on developing the whole student both academically and socially. A list of available trips and their cost is published each year in advance to assist with budgeting. Students in receipt of the Post-16 bursary can apply for financial support to participate in trips and visits.

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