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Years 7-11 Students


Art Curriculum Overview

Photography Curriculum Overview

We endeavour to be a centre of excellence, where students flourish and make progress across all areas of Art and Photography. We aim to provide an inspirational and supportive environment, which encourages self-expression, curiosity, deep creative thought, innovation, independence and risk taking, through a carefully sequenced and broad curriculum.

At KS3, students develop their artistic knowledge across a breadth of foundation skills including drawing, paint, sculpture, ceramics, photography, printmaking, mixed media, graphic design and digital art. Themes explored are relevant to young people of today, whilst links are made to careers in the visual arts. Research, discussion and writing about art underpins the curriculum, enabling all to develop visual literacy and an appreciation of global art past and present. Students have opportunities to attend extra-curricular clubs and take part in competitions, some having secured scholarships at the Ilkley Art School and the Bradford College Art and Design Saturday Club.

At KS4, students become more aware of themselves as an individual artist and develop increasing confidence in their own artistic ability. They use art as a means of visual communication, expressing themselves, their ideas and feelings through their work. They show independence and resilience, learning through experimentation and being able to reflect upon and refine their work. They have a growing knowledge of art craft and design related courses and careers, creating a portfolio of work that gains them access to related courses at KS5. Competitions, community art projects and visiting industry professionals, allow students to experience art beyond the classroom.

At KS5, the curriculum supports mastery of skills and techniques, critical and deep thinking and self- expression. Students have a growing sense of who they are as an artist and what they want to say through their work. They understand the process involved from early idea, through to research, development and realisation, culminating in a portfolio of work suitable for applications to prestigious Arts institutions including Goldsmiths, Oxford and Glasgow School of Art. Gallery and studio visits, national competitions, community art projects and hosting the celebratory end of year exhibition are all part of the rich diet of experiences.

“Art makes children powerful” Bob and Roberta Smith

Photography Policies and Consent Form

Y9 Photography Policy Booklet

KS4 (Y10-11) Photography Policy Booklet

KS5 (Y12-13) Photography Policy Booklet